Two forms are available for regular administration
This is a water soluble substance, creating necessity to take regularly three times daily
This also results in the absence of the toxicity of a fat soluble substances
You cannot “overdose” on this, however it is common sense to not waste either
This is a long-term remedy, and health and wellness strategy.
Feel free to start slowly and build up until desired result is achieved
Both forms engage through the oral mucosa and not the digestive process/tract
It is essential to hold in mouth for 60 seconds before swallowing or consuming food/drink
Tincture and Capsule Usage
Use of the tincture (1ml=30 drops)
General administration – “your dose”, three times daily (a bood starting dose is 10 drops)
A starting pathway recommendation:
Day morning midday evening
1 - - 10 drops
2 10 drops - 10 drops
3 10 drops 10 drops 10 drops
4 10 drops 10 drops 10 drops - can maintain here if feeling effect
5 20 drops 10 drops 20 drops
6 20 drops 20 drops 20 drops - can increase to 30 if needed
Note – once desired change occurs, you can maintain that dose, or can reduce by 5 drops each application and hold there 3 days to make sure benefits remain before further reducing
Use of the capsules
General administration – “your dose”, three times daily (a good starting dose is 1 capsule)
A starting pathway recommendation:
Day morning midday evening
1 - - 1 cap
2 1 cap - 1 cap
3 1 cap 1 cap 1 cap
4 1 caps 1 cap 1 cap - can maintain here if feeling effect
5 2 caps 1 cap 2 caps
6 2 caps 2 caps 2 caps - can increase to 3 if needed
Note – once desired change occurs, you can maintain that dose, or can reduce each application and hold there 3 days to make sure benefits remain before further reducing. Start by reducing midday dose back to 1, if further reduction warranted reduct the morning dose also to 1. Consult with your practitioner as you go.